Top 5 Benefits of Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Shooting incessant emails to every potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It usually involve using emails as a medium to send advertisements, request business, or drive leads and sales or donations, and is used to build brand loyalty, trust or awareness. Small as well as big companies use email marketing to connect directly with their customers.

email marketing

Top 5 Email Marketing Stats 2017

  • 73% of surveyed consumers found that content with a strong personality helps in forming loyal relationships
  • Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to realize a positive ROI
  • 61% of the most successful content marketers have a documented strategy, while only 2% of the least successful have one (CMI)
  • 85% of the most successful deliver content consistently (CMI).
  • 87% of the most successful say they are able to quickly adjust their content marketing strategy (CMI).

Top 5 Benefits of Email Marketing

Etoile Info Solutions, Website Development Company in Delhi has put together an exclusive list of benefits that email marketing offer.

More Lead: Email marketing helps achieve more leads. Encouraging visitors to sign up for your email marketing list is one way to garner more leads. Another technique is to request your existing email subscribers to forward your emails on to your friends, families or acquaintances or to share it on social media.

Improved Sales: Just imagine if every subscriber on your email marketing list turned into a customer, what it would mean for your business? Pure business heaven! Unfortunately it’s just a wishful thinking, but it can help you immensely. You can improve your sales by directing the right email campaigns on the right people. This can be done smoothly with email list segmentation, a process that allows you to focus on each of your listed subscriber with the right message at the right time.

Enhanced Conversion Rates: In order to sell your product, you need to convert your subscribers into customers and the secret to email conversions is to attract them using compelling content. As mentioned in #2 above, the solution lies in email marketing list segmentation. Here this process can help you know what type of content to use at each stage of the sales process. Master this and your customer nurturing efforts will give you fruitful results by overall increasing your conversion rates.

Identifying Right Leads: Don’t waste your time nurturing the wrong leads. Before marketing your small business, make sure to have a lead qualifying system in place. Email marketing itself is a successful lead qualifying system that shows a potential customer’s interest based on,

  1. The fact that they signed up for your email marketing campaign list.
  2. Whether they open your emails or not, and
  3. If they click on any of the links within your emails.

Now that’s impressive!

The Roadmap For Creating Share Worthy Content That’s SEO Optimized

“Content is god” and you will definitely agree with me. This mantra is chanted by every blogger and content marketer since SEO marketing has surfaced. It’s no rocket science that the key to driving thousands of followers and millions of subscribers is to write stellar content. Be consistent in developing rich content and you’ll gain a gigantic audience and devoted followers.

seo optimized india

Epic content is crucial to boost your brand, generating buzz and traction for your website. Everyone will give you a full page brief of how to go about this strategy but nobody will tell you how to execute it properly. Lucky for you, Web Solution Centre providing best seo services in delhi, have grounded a list of crisp and precise steps on how to design attractive and share worthy content.

Learn the Recipe of Epic Content: For every perfect recipe you need perfect ingredients. Same for your content to go viral you need certain ingredients that is crucial for the impact the content will elicit. They are;

  • Must contain 2,000 words or more.
  • Laced with at least one image used for social media channels.
  • Elicit laughter, amusement, and awe, or a philanthropic appeal to the reader’s narcissistic side.
  • Show an author remark to make the article more credible.
  • Be shared by the social influencers or internet marketers within the industry or niche.
  • Be promoted and posted beyond the publish date.
  • Viral content can be an infographic, a “why” or “what” post, a how-to article, or a video.

Proper Research of your Topic: Even if you consider yourself an expert or influencer in this field, you must research about your topic. Keep the fact aside that know everything about that topic- may be your research can lead you to new information that you can incorporate in your piece of article. It can also help you cover several grounds that others may have ignored.

Look for Trending Topics: Content Marketing is deemed important for the promotion of a product or a brand. And you can drive more leads and sales by writing on topics trending on various social media platforms or are talk of the town. You can start by searching on various search engines and listing down topics appearing on the first page of each result. You also need to pay specific attention to the Search Engine Optimization specifics of your content.

Search for credible Sources: When you found the popular topic you want to write about, an additional round of research is necessary. This additional data is crucial to gather additional information to solidify your article. These data may include Pdfs, thesis, statistics or documented studies.

Create an Otline: Gathering the stock of information you have received after multiple bouts of searching, the next step is to create an outline for your content. This outline must cover your core message and its branches. In a nutshell this outline must be the combination of your First round of data and second round of data.

Write Your Article: Writing content that is engaging isn’t easy. Your word count must be between 1,000 – 5,000 words. I know the word limit is bit too much and quite intimidating to say the least. But follow these quick steps to overcome this.

  1. Concentrate on your topic
  2. Use sub heading
  3. Use bullet points to highlight stats or numbers.

And you are good to go.

Soon In India You Can Make Payments using WhatsApp

Soon after demonetization in India late last year, certain mobile wallet apps such as Paytm and MobiKwik surfaced as the prodigious winners, reporting soaring growth. But the major competitor is yet to join this race.Facebook owned messaging app WhatsApp is without an iota of doubt India’s most popular messaging app and they are planning to enter India’s booming digital payments arena. The company is working towards developing a payment system that will combine WhatsApp and UPI and permit India users to transfer money or make payments through the chat app. Now this is intriguing!


Whatsapp reportedly has over 200 million uses in India. In reference to the report by The Ken, the Facebook owned venture is in talks with the government to couple support for UPI, a cross -bank payment system by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) and may launch the service in the next 6 months. UPI (Unified Payment Interface) can be accessed by third party services, making payments as fast and as secure as sending a text message.

With such enormous popularity and gigantic user base, Whatsapp stands a fair chance in winning the India’s popular payment service title, leaving behind Paytm and other payment service providers that are also thriving to increase their user base.

In a recent chat with TechCrunch, a WhatsApp spoke person confirmed the news saying “India is an important country for WhatsApp, and we’re understanding how we can contribute more to the vision of Digital India. We’re exploring how we might work with companies that share this vision and continuing to listen closely to feedback from our users,”

In February, WhatsApp’s co-founder, Brian Acton, had hinted that the app is in its earlier stages of incorporating digital payment system in the country and had visited India to discuss the matter further with the Indian government officials and seek ways to contribute to the PM Modi’s Digital India movement.

This blog is crafted under the professional eyes of Web Solution Centre experts, a top website development company in Delhi delivering high end website design, website development, SEO, online marketing, E-commerce website development and top-notch branding services.

How Pop-Ups can Enhance Your Website User Experience

Every online business focuses on converting its website visitors into customers. In means to achieve this, pop-ups are used. Pop-ups are considered potent at arresting user’s attention and achieving consumer goals. Websites these days are parting ways from using pop-ups because of the amount of complaints they receive from the visitors.

website pop up

The ultimate challenge lies in using pop-ups in a fashion that doesn’t hamper user experience or lead to too many queries. You simply can’t fulfill everyone’s needs but you sure can use pop-ups to amplify your website’s conversion rate without interrupting the smooth user experience of your website. Etoile Info Solutions, Best Website Designing Company in Delhi is well equipped in delivering high end websites and can help you overcome this barrier.

Let’s take a closer look at ways you can use pop-ups to boost conversions without impairing the user experience of your website.

Omit Entry Pop-ups: Trust me, visiting the site for the first time and coming face to face with an entry pop-up is the bane of user experience. You can simply bid farewell to that user. Entry pop-ups hinder typical browsing and reading flow. Instead opt for exit pop-ups. Exist pop-ups only appear when the visitor is leaving your site. This way their browsing and reading flow will not be ruptured and they might stop to look at the pop-up.

Provide Relevant and Valuable Content: Another reason people have grown to dislike pop-ups is probably because most of them are pure waste of time with irrelevant and invaluable content. If your pop-ups are designed to solve visitor’s problem, structure the right solution or deliver answers to their questions, the pop-up would not be considered as annoying.

Another useful way to improve user experience by way of displaying a pop-up is by using it as an ancillary navigational tool. Instead of promoting a brand or highlighting an offer, you can use pop-ups to redirect traffic to your most profitable pages or content. This will ultimately increase your conversion and improve your user experience.

Customize your Messages: Your website may witness visitors from different sources with varied needs and goals in mind. They may be looking for different subjects and services, and may respond differently to your generic marketing messages. To enhance the user experience and to keep them engaged when you use pop-ups on your website, personalize the messages your pop-ups contain targeting different audience segments and customer groups. Tailor made messages is the beacon of digital marketing. The same way you personalize different web pages for numerous visitors, you should do the exact with your marketing campaigns to suit different sets of customers.

Carry out A/B Testing: It is crucial to undertake A/B testing to determine which pop-ups are relevant for your website and which are not. This A/b testing will enable you to segregate the messages and design elements that work and those which don’t, while telling you what should stay and what must be removed.

How often should we redesign the Website?

In order to attract traffic to the site, it is important to come up with innovative and interesting ideas that would offer an engaging experience to the users. At times, companies have sites that are more than a decade old and haven’t been redesigned since then. Such websites hamper the inflow of traffic and subsequent conversions. A reliable website development company in Delhi can offer expert advice on revamping an old site or creating a new one.

re designing website

  1. When to redesign?

Ideally, websites should be redesigned every two years or so to offer something new to the visitors. Nevertheless, if need be, one may also revamp it before that, depending upon the company’s goals, objectives, economic considerations, or change in business activities. Again, with time, the trends keep changing. Earlier the trend was to include more text and fewer pictures, but now the focus is on incorporating GIFs and interesting & informative videos to grab the attention of viewers. Another reason to revamp may be to make the site adaptable to mobile devices. Apart from that, it is also essential to consider search engine optimization activities, which include image search, local search, video search, and much more, all of which help in increasing the visibility of the web pages.

  1. It is Not a One-Time Activity

Most companies look at website designing as a one-time expense and then they forget about it. But they should always keep in mind that revamping the web pages every now and then is going to be beneficial for their business. It is obvious that other companies who have recently designed their websites or have redesigned the old ones have better and more interesting content to offer than the ones who have not re-designed since inception.

  1. It is the gateway to reach the customer

It is undoubtedly one of the main ways of selling a company’s products & services. One needs to remember that keeping it updated is important for marketing and lead generation.

For best results, one may get in touch with a reputed Web designing company in Phoenix such as Web Solution Centre, which provides web designing and SEO services in Delhi based on the latest technology and marketing trends.

What Does a Good Real Estate Website Need?

For any business, it is imperative to have a properly designed and fully functional website. In the case of real estate companies, the websites need to be tastefully designed and should offer all the relevant information in a concise manner. Bright pictures and crisp content are more likely to hold on to the client’s interests than anything else.

What Does a Good Real Estate Website Need

Here are some of the aspects which should necessarily be included in a website of a real estate company:

Passion & Personal Touch

A personal touch is always appreciated and it goes a long way in enhancing the overall appeal of the website. Putting up a collage of the team’s picture and adding a short history of how it all came about evidences the company’s passion towards their business and commitment towards their stakeholders.

Relevant Content

It is important to consider all the aspects of buying a residential/commercial unit. Locality, for instance, is one of the most important factors. Therefore, adding the right content regarding the benefits of a particular locality can trigger the interest of aspiring house purchasers. Blogs and articles offering in-depth information are more likely to add value to the website and encourage clients to return to the site for more. Creating separate pages for localities according to their political/geographical division can make the website appear sorted and compartmentalized.

Location and contact information

Phone numbers and email ids should always be provided on the website so as to enable the potential customers to easily contact the company. It is a good idea to incorporate an enquiry form on the “Contact Us” page, wherein customers can fill in their details and submit their query. The fact that the company is readily available also aids in building trust and confidence amongst the existing and potential customers.

For more tips on this section, one may avail the services of a reputed Web Designing Company in Delhi, such as Web Solution Centre, which possesses an extensive experience of creating websites for varied industries. It also offers seo services in Delhi, and enables companies to attain high search engine rankings and gain a competitive edge in the online space. Here are 4 Smart Tips for Crafting a User-Friendly Ecommerce Site

Why Local SEO Means a Lot for Small Businesses

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is surely one of the keys to the success of a company. Capturing the online market, today, is extremely important, primarily because it is the age of the internet, and people prefer to do their work online, be it purchasing groceries, cosmetics, or even a house. In simple terms, local SEO implies promoting the products or services of a company to its local customers. Conducting proper SEO can go a long way in expanding the business as well as increasing the customer base.

local seo

Taking help of expert seo services in Delhi is the way to go to ensure long-lasting results.

How it works

This method of marketing is a focused and targeted move, which aids in reaping great results in a short time. A number of apps are being developed regularly to target and capture the local market. SEO can take the help of these apps to ensure that not a single customer goes amiss. It also makes use of directories to extend the reach of the products/services in and around a particular locality. It capitalizes on reviews and user experiences to build trust & confidence regarding the product and service among its local customers.

Why the local market

With people using the internet on their smart phones most of the time, they are twice as likely to hunt for local manufacturers, producers, and dealers. Small traders need to get hold of the market surrounding their shop/store. In fact, statistics reveal that local searches account for more than 58% of the hits made for a particular product.

Tips & Strategies

First and foremost, it is important to create a local business page across all the major search engines. This page would ideally consist of location, phone number, and working hours. Thereafter, one needs to optimize the page, which can be done by uploading photos and information on products/services provided by the company. One also needs to ensure that the business citations are accurate on all the search engines.    

If applied in the right fashion, local Search Engine Optimization can enable the company to increase its sales, customers, revenue, and profits.

Those looking for professional service providers may get in touch with Etoile Info Solutions, a reputed Web Designing Company in Delhi. Here’s why you need to Beware of these 4 SEO Myths in 2017!

Did You Know These Facts About Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a vast subject, and at times, may be confusing and contradictory too, particularly if you are new to this concept. Let’s have a look at some of the facts pertaining to this marketing strategy, which may help you gain a clear understanding of this subject.

seo company

  1. It demands time, hard work, and patience – There’s no magic potion!

The first thing to bear in mind is that SEM cannot deliver results overnight. There is absolutely no magic recipe, which would lead you to instant success. You need to put in some efforts to shortlist the keywords apt for your site and business. You also need to keep a tab on the phrases being used by your competitors. This is a time taking process, no doubt, but without investing time and hard work, you cannot expect to attain high rankings on the search engines.

  1. It’s not just about the homepage

This might sound quite contradictory to what some people believe, but the truth is that the majority of traffic lands at your site through the secondary pages. Putting your entire focus on optimizing the homepage and giving less attention to the secondary ones will not render the desired results. For more tips on this subject, you may avail the services of a reputed Website Designing Company in Delhi such as Web Solution Centre.

  1. It’s not a one-time campaign

Once your site has attained good rankings, it just doesn’t imply that it will remain like this forever. There is a lot of competition in the online space, and your rival brands will put more efforts than before to bring you down. Hence, it is essential that you continuously take efforts and monitor the rankings to stay on the top. For adopting the best strategy in SEM, get in touch with a company specializing in seo services in Delhi.

It is important to note here that these facts of SEM are applicable to all types of websites. If you have an online portal, then you may have to undertake extra efforts to boost sales and conversions. The advice of an experienced ecommerce Website Development Company in Delhi may be of great help. Here are 3 Things to Consider Before Redesigning a Website.

Beware of these 4 SEO Myths in 2017!

When it comes to SEO, there may be a lot of good practices and misconceptions doing the rounds. Nevertheless, the one fact that cannot be denied is that SEO is an evolving process. Things which seemed to be perfect in the past may not hold good now.

This is primarily because search engines keep changing their search algorithms.SEO Myths in 2017

In such a scenario, it’s important that we are aware of the myths that should be avoided in the year 2017!

Myth 1 – Directory Links are Useless

There are rumors that use of directory links is no longer a good option. Well, it is true that one shouldn’t make use of low quality directories, but using a high quality PR directory is still very much a great option for improving rankings. Simultaneously, it also helps in increasing traffic to your website. For more advice on this aspect, consider availing SEO services in delhi.

Myth 2 – No need to take help of Social Media

Some people may opine that posting content on social media does not directly increase website rankings. But then, social media mentions is a great means of receiving a backlink, particularly if you know many people in your industry.

Myth 3 – SEO can be done at a later stage

In practice, most people first craft the design of a website, followed by conducting the SEO activities. However, it is advisable to conduct a keyword research first, followed by structuring and designing the pages, instead of carrying out an SEO campaign after the site has been created. You may take the assistance of a company specializing in Website Designing Delhi. You may also want to check out the 3 Things to Consider Before Redesigning a Website.

Myth 4 – The one-time SEO activity

A one-time SEO activity can enhance search engine rankings, but, the results will be limited only for a short period of time. Remember that SEO is a continuous activity, and hence needs to be conducted on a regular basis.

Now that you know some of the myths concerning SEO, it is time that you avoid them, and concentrate only on those things that will give you long-lasting results. For expert guidance, you may consult Etoile Info Solutions, a reputed Website Designing Company in Phoenix Arizona AZ.