The World of HTML5 Applications

The Mobile App developers of a leading Web Design Company ask its users if they have heard about the recently-gained-popularity apps, the HTML5 Applications. The kind of buzz these apps have picked clues us into that they are probably going to be the face of the mobile application world, this year or probably next. Though we strongly think that this is “one side” of the debate going on and blazing between the HTML5 apps versus native apps and this is what people are listening and seeing for quite a long time. This whole “will-shake-the-landscape-of-mobile-application” tends to make its presence in the limelight every now and then and we reckon that this going to remain as it is for quite some time. Until the whole shell breaks and all the best apps, we’ll witness in future will be the HTML5 apps. It’s highly unusual to see mobile developers carrying out these kinds of debates and the proponents of both the sides going on and about why their version should be considered the best. But when these kinds of discussions actually come out of the developer-zones and straight into the limelight where normal people like us hear them, it actually sends us into frenzy where we can’t seem to decide what to believe.

HTML5 in a hybrid form is steadily picking up the pace with mobile developers using this technology like it is being distributed like a cake, we thought it would be nice to devour a part of the cake too and try to understand how the cake is made and how it actually tastes.

Let’s first understand what is an HTML5 App?

To tell you honestly, I personally, and I think most of you also, might have heard about the “trending” HTML5 apps when once the man who changed the scenario of cellular communication and certainly the fate of Apple Inc. Steve Jobs mentioned that it would be the future of the web and Flash apparently wouldn’t. And up to some extent, his statement saw the day of light when the Cupertino Company blocked access to any kind of Flash Player on iOS. But to be honest it wouldn’t take an eye of a genius to guess that this was coming because HTML without an iota of a doubt has a lot more going for it than Flash ever in its history did. But we are certainly happy about the fact that mobile development has found a good and effective way to code applications.

HTML 5 refers to Hypertext Markup Language that we are currently on the 5th version of it. But when you hear about HTML5 apps it means web application developed with the 5th revision of the HTML web content standard and designed and developed for smartphones, tablets and other hand devices.

While making HTML5 apps mobile developers are basically dealing with these three codes.

  • HTML is actually providing a framework for the apps where mobile developers can write out their code and an application will transform into something we can use and interact with.
  • CSS is there to provide a way to visualize how all the individual bits of code will work out once they are rendered and is fully displayed on our screens.
  • The burden of all this lands on the shoulders of JavaScript that makes all these bits of code attractive and be able to perform their task.

HTML 5 allows for the development of more complex and easy to install functions than the earlier version of this web standard. This clearly means that the files created through HTML5 will be more like apps than like content. Adding a cherry on the top is the fact that all the mobile devices that are gracing the markets now will be able to support HTML5 apps. This means that developing a mobile application for multiple platforms with a screen that has its own version of that app would be now easier than ever since a code needs to be written only once.

This means that the mobile developers only have to write his or her piece of code only once and fine tune it and can put it everywhere. This is quite a relief from having to write separate code for Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and HTML for webOS and BlackBerry 10. The developers can bring his or her code to life using whatever development environment they choose, be it Notepad or the complex one’s like Visual Studio or Adobe Dreamweaver, debug and fine tune it in whatever web browser they want and will actually work everywhere.

Your phone too will be able to support HTML5 apps. We have all seen HTML5 apps being used as a web page. To place the perfect example of this we have micro-networking site like Twitter and Google’s advertising-supported email service Gmail, which clearly presents HTML5 apps at work. Since HTML5 comes with the added advantage that it can be rendered by a web view component, putting a window inside a basic app frame to develop an app you can install directly on your phone is simple and fast.

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Also to make matters much easier, there are third-party apps available that can do everything for you, like Apache Cordova. This third party tool helps new and amateur developers to bring their new ideas to life and display it to everyone. It also helps seasoned developers to come up with new ideas that we have not seen or heard before. HTML5 dropped in a native application can run the code and make use of the assets it derives from the internet, but a developer has the liberty to install these locally and point the code there for offline native apps.

For more information on HTML5 apps, you can contact the expert mobile app developers and coders of a leading Seo Services Delhi, Etoile Info Solutions.

Are There any Difference between User Interface and User Experience?

For the SEO experts of a leading Company in Seo Services in Phoenix, the struggle to understand the actual meaning or to put in better terms, to understand the difference between the two conceptually interlinked terms is going on for quite a long time.

Earlier the problem wasn’t really that prominent because of the minimal nature of web design and development technologies that were being used. Today the internet is filled with abundant of different web design layouts and development languages that have made the gap between the two all the more distinct. Though used interchangeably, when explained separately, both the terminologies do present the users with different elements of the human-computer interaction and this is what we are going to talk about and deconstruct these terms word by word to reach to the utter depths of their meanings.

Before we get down to the task, laying out strikingly dissimilar differences between the two terms a result-oriented agency offering seo services in Phoenix Arizona would first like you to understand the meaning of the two terms.

What is User Interface?

User Interface (UI) design is the large and evolving arena. Theoretically speaking, it is the amalgamation of different website content (text, images, videos, webinars, documents, etc), form (Buttons, headings, labels, text fields, menu, navigation bar, drop-down lists, check boxes, graphic design, etc), and user behavior (What will happen if I click/check/drag, type etc).

It takes a lot of experience, keen attention to detail, a lot of practice, and a lot of user testing to get to the core of successful user interface design. Being a user interface designer requires your senses to visualize and practices to mold according to what the users deem qualified of being a flawless and perfect user interface design. A top-notch and highly converting user interface revolves around the boundaries of engaging, interactive, aesthetically magical and emotionally driving to make your products more lovable and beautiful and website all the more approachable.

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What I see an idle way of going about developing a user interface design is to visualize the entire product buying experience a sort of journey, which presupposes visiting a website all the way to the final check out page. Every user that takes on the task of downloading your app from the abundant of other apps available in the App Store/web, all the way through using it, completing a plethora of tasks and perpetrating goals within an app view this as a journey and that journey needs to be delightful and streamlined one.

What is User Experience?

Surfaced in the late 1990s, the term user experience was conceived by cognitive scientist Don Norman when he was assisting the Advanced Technology Group at Apple as vice president.

Here is how he defined user experience,

“‘User experience’ encompasses all aspects of the end user’s interaction with the company, its services, and its products.”

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Basically, user experience carries with itself a broad range of disciplines that primarily circumnavigates around user’s easiness to smoothly explore the nooks and crannies of a website or an application. User experience as visualized by many isn’t only the visual interaction between your product and a user.  This concept covers varied dimensions of the entire journey a person takes while exploring the depths of your application.

UX compasses the following customer journey facets,

  • The complete process the user has to go through to reach to your company’s product.
  • The string of actions users carries out in order to interact with the product interface.
  • The pool of emotions and reactions that arise when they try to accomplish a particular task.
  • The first impression (which can also be the last) they take away from the first journey they took of your application.

UX designers are responsible for weaving out product layout that successfully delivers a product or service that fulfills the expectations and needs of the customer along with ensuring that they able to accomplish their goals seamlessly and smoothly.

What differentiates User Interface from User Experience?

Now, it is really hard to pinpoint differences between the two terms, though we have chalked about definitions and the elements that make up these two terms, stating differences between the two terms is literally like asking the difference between a pizza and the ingredients with which a pizza is made, or the difference between a water bottle and the material with which a water bottle is made.

UI and UX are different to the point that UI is the structuring of individual digital interfaces, while UX encompasses designing and structuring the overall consumer experience or the journey from the initial app download or website visit to the final product checkout page.

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In a nutshell, UI is the part of UX, but that simply doesn’t imply that UI is a small and meager part of the UX. Both the jobs are big enough that neither can be accomplished with the successful implementation of the either. Revolving around both the terms are the different concerns, objections, tasks and different skills and mindsets. User experience is responsible for answering the bigger questions that are, why are people coming to your site? What do they want to do and how are you going to help them to do it? A user interface, on the other hand, is trying to give answers to these important questions by developing interactive and seamless digital interfaces to make a emotional connection with a user. Research is a vital part when it comes to designing user experience, this is the only way of knowing what makes a user tick, which interactions can bring out the desired reactions from the users and thereby build easiest, engaging and streamlined interactions. Both the UX and UI designers have somewhat similar goals to accomplish.

  • The final product is living up to the expectations of the user/ customer.
  • The final product is liked by the user/ customer.
  • It is the user who’ll use the product, not the designer, so it is quintessential to determine how the user will engage with the products and services, not the other way round.

Websites with Great UI




Boosted Boards






Comprehensive Guide to Convert a Website into Android Application using Android Studio

The skilled and experienced developers of a reputed Website Designing Agency in Phoenix AZ have laid down steps to convert a website into an android application using Android Studio. They say that if you are seriously on the lookout for a way to convert a website into an Android mobile application, then you are certainly not alone in this search. With the increased availability of smartphones and internet connection, customers these days rely more on their smartphones for carrying out day-to-day shenanigans. This increased mobile dependence has geared small as well as large Multi-National Corporations (MNCs) into taking their business mobile. Those who are still not harboring the endless potential of the mobile, then they are definitely missing out on large business opportunities.

If you are still not convinced with our train of thought, then just consider this, almost two decades ago when websites were sneaking their way into the lives of small business owners, websites played a very important part in helping businesses garner huge traffic, increased sales and astonishing profits. Today, having a website is considered a key factor in a small business’ success today. So, what was once a trend has now become a full necessity. Don’t you think the same is applicable to mobile apps? We strongly believe it is.

The skilled website and mobile developers, as well as the seo experts of a high acclaimed agency in Seo Services in Phoenix Arizona to help businesses stake out their own spot in the mobile frontier, have put together steps to convert a website into an android application using Android Studio.

Just take in these steps, follow them step-by-step and you will be ready with a fully functional mobile application. There is an element which is used if you want to structure a web application (or just a web page) as a part of a client application, which is WebView. WebView is actually an extension of Android’s View that enables mobile developers to have the full view of the web pages as a part of their activity layout- XML(layout) file or Java class.

Step 1: The first and pretty obvious step is to take a responsive website that you want to convert into a mobile application. The thing you have to make sure is that the website you are choosing should be fully responsive (mobile friendly) website. Here we are for the sake of explaining the whole process to you taking a hypothetical example of our own website  to convert into an android application using WebView which is a Mobile responsive site.

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Step 2: Start with creating a new project in Android Studio and name it WebSolutionCentreWebViewApp.

Step 3: Now open res →→→→→  layout →→→→→→ activity_main.xml (or) main.xml, create the interface of the application and then incorporate webview element to it. class


Step 4: Next, open the src  →→→→→  package  →→→→→ After this you need to first declare a webview variable, then enable the JavaScript and load the URL of the website you have chosen to convert into a mobile application. class


Step 5 Now you have to grant internet permission to the xml file. For this Open AndroidManifest.xml file and to it add internet permission just after the name of the package. This step is important to carry out as it will let the App load data directly from the website.

The code is this way:

App load data directly from the website

Step 6: After adding the internet permission to the application, the application is complete. But you will witness one minor glitch that the application will open the links in the browser and not in the application itself. The way to rectify this problem is to add a line of code in your class.

mywebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());

Step 7: Now your application needs some back buttons, for this, you have to add this line of code to your class.

public void onBackPressed() {


Here is the final activity_main.xml code

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=””
tools:context=”com.example. WebSolutionCentreWebViewApp.MainActivity”>

// WebView Element
android:layout_height=”match_parent” />

Here is the final complete code:

package com.example.webviewapp;

import android.os.Bundle;
import android.webkit.WebSettings;
import android.webkit.WebView;
import android.webkit.WebViewClient;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private WebView mywebView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mywebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebSettings webSettings= mywebView.getSettings();
// Line of Code for opening links in app
mywebView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient());
//Code For Back Button
public void onBackPressed() {

I hope this blog will be able to help you understand how you can easily convert your website into a mobile application using Android Studio. Do let us if you find this blog useful by simply leaving your comments in the comment box below.

App Store Optimization Trends to Watch Out for in 2018

The mobile app developers of a renowned Phoenix Web Design Company start with this simple Statista statistic, “There are about 2.2m apps on the Apple App Store in January 2017 and 3.3m of them on Google Play in September 2017” and we are pretty adamant about one simple logic that these figures are surely going to skyrocket in the future, not the other way round.

If you don’t believe us, then there is a graph to prove what we are saying. Have a look.

Web Designing Company In ArizonaWeb Designing

But why people should choose your app to download and not so many others in the Apple Store or Google Play store. There has to be a solid reason or the value you are providing the customers through your app that will motivate them to download your app and use it on a daily basis. But for people to judge your app they need to be aware of the fact that your application exits in the Google or App Store in the first place. With so many applications already gracing the Apple and Google App Store, it becomes quintessential for people to increase their app’s visibility among all these competitors.

In the most practical of ways, there are two ways of how people will know of your app and install it on their mobile phones in the first place. First, through advertising, be it online or offline or any sort and second is directly searching your app on an app store. The mobile app installs that are the result of the app store’s inbuilt app search module are known as organic app installs.

Phoenix Web Design

The mobile app developers of a renowned Website Designing Company in delhi feels that if you are leveraging the full potential of organic app installs, then you are greatly losing out on a large chunk of valuable app users. Organic app installs are vital to the success of your brand’s mobile application since these installs are made by customers with a clear search intent that they know about your mobile application, they feel that your application is tapping in the huge need gap and they want to download it. This isn’t the case when they see your app advertised, because that time they don’t feel they need your application or if you are targeting any need. Organic app installs ensures a higher quality customer relationship from the first point (app search) to the last (app install).

So, the point we are trying to put here is that discoverability plays a huge role in determining the success of a mobile application. That is why App Store Optimization abbreviated commonly as AOS is the great and the only way to make your presence felt in the crowded app store. Since we are going to discuss the various AOS trends for 2018, let’s first refresh our memory as to what App Store Optimization is?

Let’s get started.

What is App Store Optimization (AOS)?

The App Store Optimization or (AOS) is a part of search engine optimization that ensures your app is going by the app ranking criteria and is securing the first place in the Google Search Engine Result Page (SERP). App Store Optimization (AOS) is a great way to boost your ranking on Google Play Store and Apple Store. It ensures that you are having all those features and qualities that are enough to outrun your competitors in the race of app store traffic and app downloads.

But the real question here is how online marketers get on the task of optimizing apps for better discoverability and visibility in an app store?

Etoile Info Solutions has put together several app store optimization techniques that will help you up your mobile app game in 2018.

Look for Right App Store Keywords

  1.  The major aspect for securing a top position on App store search rankings is by selecting the right app store keywords.
  2.  But, don’t go about putting only the popular app store keywords just to be ranked higher on app store search. Chose keywords that are relevant to your app.
  3.  Also, I don’t know how many people are aware of the fact that the words in the user app reviews are also indexed by the app store search engine. That’s why for quality and effective app store keywords, review mining is a great technique.

Also Read: Let’s Talk About UX Copywriting

Look For SHAREit – Transfer & Share

SHAREit - Transfer & Share

4.If you are launching a new app then use app store keywords with low difficulty and reasonable popularity. After an initial momentum, use app store keywords with higher popularity and reasonable difficulty.

App Name

  1. The next in queue is the app name which must be decided considering all the keywords you have finalized. According to a study, “using keywords in your title can result in up to 10.3% increase of rankings.” Google, as well as Apple’s app search algorithm, look for keywords in the app name when a user puts in an app store search query and give higher priority to those apps that contain the words similar to the search input.

Key words in the title Worth It

  1. Use your brand name in the first, no rocket science, followed by few vital keywords separated by a dash or a semicolon.

Gboard – the Google Keyboard

Gboard - the Google Keyboard

1Weather: Widget Forecast Radar

1Weather Widget Forecast Radar

App Description

  1. It is obvious that if you are instilling app store keywords in your app name and tile, the app description must also be loaded with it. But don’t go overboard with keyword stuffing, because that will cause app store search engine to penalize your app instead of ranking it.
  2. Google app store search engine does take into consideration keywords and pulls them from your description to be your app store keywords. Incorporate them sensibly so that they can go seamlessly and naturally with the app description.
  3. iOS App store search engine does not take into consideration the keywords you have incorporated in the app description. But that doesn’t mean you can let go of the app description game altogether.

iOS wants online marketers to be detailed with the app description, what it does, what value it is providing, features, advantages, social proofs, awards, and honorable mentions your app has received.

Read Also: What to keep in mind while hiring an SEO service provider?

In-app purchases

  1. Both Google and iOS evaluate the names of In-app purchases (IAP) and index them in the app store search.
  2. Your mobile applications’ In-app purchases should be app store keyword optimized, should have their display names, promotional images, and descriptions. You can display a maximum of 20 IAPs on your product page.

mobile applications

App Icon

  1. We have an interesting statistic to match this point too. A great and impactful app store icon can increase downloads by up to 560%.
  2. Keeping the purpose of your application in mind, design a simple, creative yet eye-catching app icon that can tell all about your app in a single square icon.
  3. Color, shape and the frame you are using also plays a vital part in increasing your app downloads.

App Icon


  1. The screenshots of your app play a major role in telling the users what the app is about and what all features it boasts.
  2. According to a study, using at least two best screenshots of your app can boost your conversions by up to 25%.
  3. Every screenshot you are using should portray a different feature of your app and what all users are going to get upon downloading it.
  4. Just make sure you are keeping your screenshots in a vertical position since they are easier to see on the narrow screens.


Preview Videos

  1. Though making a video is quite time-consuming and expensive, it can increase install rates by more than 20% in the Apple App Store and by 35% on Google Play, according to StoreMaven.

Preview Videos

I hope these app store optimization (AOS) tips will help you to increase your app downloads in 2018. If you have more tips and suggestions you want to recommend leave your comments below.

4 Superlative Website Navigation Practices For 2018

The web designers and developers of a highly acclaimed Website Design Delhi company, Etoile Info Solutions says that website designing and development is a very dynamic world, which means you can’t stay glued to the old trends and techniques for years. Every year we see the world of website designing and development plastered with new developments whether it is the drop-down menu, breadcrumb menu, mobile-friendly navigation, broken links or heatmaps, it is quintessential to stay true to these developments and implement them accordingly on your website navigation.

Small details and functions on your website can make a huge impact on the overall functioning of your website. How well you are structuring and labeling your website navigation will determine how well your website will perform in the eyes of your target audience. Proper website navigation is important because,

It can affect the website traffic: Website navigation is a determining factor for search engines to rank your website which is again an important factor when talking about the website traffic because you’ll get good traffic only when you’ll rank high on search engines.

It can affect conversions: The more complex a website, the more it will be difficult for customers to navigate thus lower conversion of potential leads into customers.

Here are 4 superlative trends you need to watch out in 2018.

MENU is the heart of your website: It is through a menu that you reach the deep ends of a website and navigates different web pages meant for the user perusal. Menus can be placed in different locations of your website like header, footer, sidebar and numerous other locations. The location of the menu should depend entirely on the type of website you have, the idea is to choose a website that works the best for your website. There are numerous types of website menus like

  • Interactive navigation.
  • Sidebar static navigation
  • Navigation in websites which are parallax powered
  • Hamburger menu
  • Multimedia-based menu
  • Centered layout Navigation
  • Huge dropdowns
  • Footer navigation

MENU is the heart of your website

The font, color combination and the design of the menu should also be such so as to be clearly visible to the visitors.

Website Navigation on Mobile Devices: With the increased demand for smartphones it is now very rare that people boot up their laptops or open their desktops to browse. Almost 50% of people these days use mobile phones to visit a website  or mobile applications. So it is important that you pay an undeterred attention on the navigation of the mobile layout of a website. But that doesn’t mean you can entirely transform the mobile navigation, it has to be similar to what website navigation offers.

Website Navigation on Mobile Devices

The order matters: Yes, the number and order of the items listed on the website navigation are also crucial. The items that are at the top and at the extreme bottom are the most impactful because this is where the maximum engagement and user retention lies. This phenomenon is known as the serial position effect, which is the end result of two cognitive biases.

Primacy effect: Items at the top of the list are easily remembered.

Recency effect: Items at the bottom of the list are easily remembered.

So make sure the items you want users to check surely lies in those particular areas, if of course, the list is long, otherwise, the best practice is to add only important and must-have items on the list, so that all come across as important ones.

Phoenix Web Design

Make Important Links Visible: A website is composed of multiple web pages. So, it is quintessential that your place important links to your website at an appropriate location where they are easily visible. If the web pages you want visitors to know about are available in the form of relevant links on your website, then the chances are that they’ll not reach your visitors that you intend to.

The Evolution of Google Search Engine Results in 2018

The experts of a leading Website Designing Company is reminiscing what Larry page once said in one of his orientations,

“We want to build technology that everybody loves using, and that affects everyone. We want to create beautiful, intuitive services and technologies that are so incredibly useful that people use them twice a day. Like they use a toothbrush. There aren’t that many things people use twice a day.” – Larry Page, Co-Founder of Google and CEO of Alphabet, Inc.

I don’t think there is any other company in the world more inclined towards innovation and creativity than Google. We’ve all seen this company grow into a mega search engine over the past so many years and we simply can’t put this all onto the increased internet usage, technological developments and changing user preferences (though all this is, in fact, part of it), they earned the status by being the most meticulous organization in the world.

And their meticulousness is clearly visible in the plethora of changes being done to the lifeblood of their business, the mega evolving SERPs and Search Engine Optimization techniques to rank websites.

We are simply not restricting these changes to Mobile-first indexing, AMP and voice search, we are talking about the less talked about but definitely-making-the-different kind of changes. In the past one and two months, Google has announced and started experimenting with a variety of SERP alterations that are definitely going to shake the landscape of search engine result pages.

Let’s have a look at how Google is changing the search engine result pages.

Length of Snippets in Search Results: In mid-December 2017, Google has officially increased the length of rich snippets in search engine results. They have definitely made some modifications to the way it displays snippets in search results. Earlier the length of the snippets was restricted only to 160-235 characters, but now the Google results are showing results with snippets increasing even 235 character limit and falling somewhere between 300-320 characters.

In most of the cases these snippets will dynamically change, purely based on the nature of the search query. The snippets are designed to answer efficiently the user’s question without having them to click on the linked page. If Google will not be able to fetch out an answer from the content of your page, the snippet will likely to remain at 160 limits.

Seo Phoenix Arizona

Introducing the Answer Carousel: What are these? Let me refresh your memory. Are you seeing Google display certain questions with small answers just below the first result snippet naming Best Answers? Yes, those answers are Google’s way of testing out its new feature that employs a carousel structure for answer snippets to a given search query. The main motive behind incorporating these Answer Carousels is to let users find the answers on the search page without clicking on the linked links.

Seo Company

Knowledge Panel Incorporations: Google is updating how they are going to display its product-knowledge panels on mobile so they can give even more details about the specific products in the search results.

Google has officially confirmed the same in its Keyword blog, stating,

“Today, we’ve added more images and related searches inside select Featured Snippets to help you learn even more about your topic, or to discover new things related to your interest.”

“For example, while looking at the Knowledge Panel about skiing, you’ll see related searches for sports such as snowboarding directly inside the result.”

Local Listing

For those who are not aware of what knowledge panels are, it is the block at the beginning of the SERPs that displays an extracted answer from a given web page.

Are You A SEO Expert? Then Never Forget These Important HTML Tags Part I

Tags have a very important role to play in on-site search engine optimization. Tags have been developed with the objective of classifying content so that it is easier for the users and the search engines to understand the degree of importance each specific piece of content carries. But the real question that is plaguing the minds of marketers these days is: are HTML tags as vital today as they once were?

Well, answer this simple question, what’s the use of a website with a great design and a great website copy, if people can’t find the website? “Null”. Some researchers in their studies have found out that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

top 3 google results

But, but, but… how will visitors visit your website when you are not even harboring somewhere near the first-page result of Google?

So companies pay Google to place their company ad at the top of the search engine result pages when companies Google for certain keywords.

paid ads

But, again, paid searches do not garner the type of traffic a company looks for when they opt for paid ads.

So with the surge of new and pronounced studies, it is revealed that organic ads get 70% more results than paid ads.(HubSpot)

research paid ads

So companies again thought the better of it and found out that in order to generate more traffic it is important to rank organically.

How? With the only language the SEO understands- TAGS

The company that has mastered SEO services in Phoenix, Arizona will tell you about important HTML tags briefly.

Title Tag

HTML title tag is arguably the most important and quintessential on-page SEO factor when it comes to increasing the website traffic. Think of titles as the chapter of your website, it needs to be clearly defined and compelling. Title tags help visitors as well as search engines to decide what your website is all about, the content you are displaying and what each page is trying to tell.

Title Tag Code: <title>WSC™:: Website Designing Company in Delhi | Website Designing India</title>

title tags sample

It is important to incorporate keywords that you target with your content in your title tag since they end up as links to your web page.

Meta Description Tag

Meta description tags give a brief snippet about your website to the users so that they can understand what you do and what your website provides with those 150 character summary. They appear just below the blue clickable links known as Title Tags in a search engine result page (SERP). If your website has a compelling Meta Description, it will not only help you rank higher on Google, but it will also sell the “click” with an appealing copy.

meta desc sample

Needless to say, the keyword that you have used in the title tag must also be used in the Meta description, so that the search engines can easily understand what your site is all about.

Header Tag

Header tag refers to the HTML attribute that is used to distinguish headings and subheadings within your content from other types of text. There are several different header tags. On the basis of your website format, you may have h1, h2, h3 and sometimes h4 and h5 tag. These tags usually display the relevancy and important each word or phrase has on the website page and can effectively help your search engine rankings.

Header Tag Code: <article>


<h1>Most important heading here</h1>

<h3>Less important heading here</h3>

<p>Some additional information here</p>


<p>Lorem Ipsum dolor set amet….</p>


To be continued….

Google is Working Hard towards Connecting Online Shopping Ads to In-Store Sales

This year’s Google SMX East event is like a box of Pandora, unleashing something new at every turn. Just like every other new development, this one has also been rolled out keeping in mind the latest market and consumer behavior trends. The inception of Showcase Shopping Ads has completely altered the way companies have previously showcased ads. The feature allows companies to put together different but related products and display them together to introduce their company or brand. The feature will allow consumers to mull over their options by seeing them against the setting they want to have them in or by simply grouping them together to have that impact, will increase the chances of in-store sales.

Web Designing Company In Phoenix

Some statistics to back online-to-offline innovations

  1. 9 out of 10 of retails sales take place at physical store location.
  2. Ecommerce has grown 23% as compared to the traditional retails with only 6%
  3. 50% of consumers who do a local search on their smartphone visit a store within a day.

According to Google’s data that they have earlier showcased revealed that they have witnessed 3 times increase in brand searches and there have been 32% more click-assisted conversions leading to a physical storefront sale.

Google has also rolled out certain logos and filters that help shoppers customized their search results based on the sizing, price range, style and more. Also, there is a very cool option called “Similar Looks” which will fetch consumers results based on a user’s previous clothing preferences.

Web Design

As a Website Designing Company in Delhi, we can say that instead of displaying individual products, new Showcase Shopping Ads allow users to see product collections published by both local and online merchants.

What is Native Advertising & Why To Include it in Your Online Marketing Strategy?

Native advertising is basically sponsored / recommended content, which blends perfectly into the surroundings of the publishing platforms, such as social media sites, news media sites, or entertainment sites. These are different from banner & social ads, which make a clear and direct offer of buying products/services. The good thing about native advertising is that it maintains the integrity of the brand as well as the publisher, and simultaneously provides valuable information to the viewers. Further, they do not distract the viewers; rather, they help in making the browsing experience an enjoyable one. With the help & guidance of a branding & website designing company in Delhi, one can undertake native advertising activities and expand one’s reach to a larger audience.

native advertising

Here’s why it is important to incorporate native advertising in your online marketing strategy:

  1. Boosts search engine rankings

Your website’s home page is considered as the face of your brand. However, in reality, the way your brand appears on the results page of Google, renders the actual and clear picture of your brand. So, when you put great sponsored content on the web, Google also provides you with higher search engine rankings. By availing expert SEO services in Arizona from a reputed organization, such as Etoile Info Solutions, one can carry out effective advertising activities for attracting traffic.

  1. Reach out to a larger audience

As mentioned earlier, native ads provide the opportunity of reaching out to a larger audience, since they are being published on someone else’s website. So, instead of sharing content with existing customers, followers, and website visitors, one can actually capitalize on the audience of other established portals.

  1. Associate your brand with authoritative organizations

Publishing content on niche sites gives your organization a golden opportunity of being associated with the best organizations in the industry. This definitely ups the ante for your business and helps you in garnering the trust & confidence of your customers.

Of course, there are several other ways of leveraging this opportunity to its full potential. For more expert tips, one can get in touch with an experienced online marketing & website designing company in Phoenix. Here’s Why Local SEO Means a Lot for Small Businesses.

25 Things to Look Out for When Designing and Developing a Website

According to the experts of a Leading Web Design Company here are few things everyone should take care of before they get down on their journey of designing and developing a website. Since these days websites are not a mere representation of a website but also a medium for companies to grow their business.

25 Things to Look Out for When Designing and Developing a WebsitePhoenix Web Design Company

1. Domain: While deciding on the domain name, opt for simple, small and memorable approach. Go for a name that can reflect your brand’s image

2. Hosting: Hosting packages should be finalized depending on the nature of your website. Opt for a reliable one that can take the pressure of multi-media present on your website.

3. Code Authoring: CSS3, HTML5, PHP, JQuery, JavaScript- Each language has its own set of rules and guidelines, which is beneficial if you want to standardize your end product.

4. RSS Feed: If your website is content-rich – blogs, new sites, articles and is updated on a frequent basis, then it is advised to have an RSS feed to keep your website users in close proximity to fresh content.

5. Nature: What type of website do you want to build: business, corporate, e-commerce, blog, community, forums, classifieds, gallery, gaming, new etc?

6. Clear Design: For visitors to interact with your website content, develop clear and appealing designs to help them stay hooked.

7. Color Palette: Colors play an important role in enhancing the overall look and feel of your website. Different colors evoke different emotional responses.

8. Branding: How well you are portraying the image of your brand? Always position your professionally designed brand logo on the upper left corner of your website which will attract customer’s attention in a go.

9. Functionality: Is your website working properly across different browsers? Are contact forms, customer feedback sections and customer inquiry forms working fine?

10. Navigation: Visitors will only entertain the idea of further exploring your website if they can easily find what they are looking for.

11. Sitemap: Clear sitemaps will help search engines determine how often you are updating your website and the type of content you are putting there.

12. Usability: The user interface of your website can make or break the reputation of your website. Usability tests can help you find areas of improvement. Effective usability can harbor customer attention and evoke business.

13. Content: The visitors will flock to your website based on the content you are providing-informative and quality with the right dose of keywords to feed the search engines.

14. Site Load Time: Slow loading time is the prominent cause of website abandonment. It is also a major factor of usability and must be tested rigorously before the site’s official release.

15. Audience: The content, products, and services you’ll provide on your website should be determined based on your target audience.

16. Active Blogs: Featuring a blog on your website is a great way to update visitors about the latest products, stay connected with them and interact with your brand.

17. Call-to-actions: If you want your site visitors to finish what they intend to accomplish, then you need to provide them with attractive and effective call-to-action buttons. “Buy Now, Contact Us Now, Download Now”. Consider using bold and blaring colors.

18. Seo-friendly Code: For search engine spiders to get hold of the quality of content and grant you with a good search engine, it is important to have a clean and SEO friendly code.

19. Reachable form multiple browsers: When it comes to multiple browsers compatibility, keep these in mind- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Chrome. Make sure your website load seemly on all major browsers.

20. Responsive and mobile-friendly sites: With growing dependence of consumers on mobile phones it has become quintessential for website owners with existing web presence to develop a separate responsive and mobile reachable website.

21. Social Media: Social media integration on your website provides a great way to site visitors to promote your website, leave reviews and keep up with the latest news and developments.

22. Typogaphy: Good typography makes the art of reading smooth and effortless. A legible and readable font is important if you don’t want your visitors to pinch their eyes together while reading the text.

23. Captcha Tests: Captcha tests help differentiate humans from robots and ensure that only users are accessing your website resources.

24. Security: SSL Certificates should be put in place in order to keep impending security risks at bay. (Malware, Viruses, Hackers, Payment Frauds etc.)

25. Tracking and Analytics: Tracking and analytic tools help determine how your website is performing and provide areas where improvements can be made.