- When to redesign?
Ideally, websites should be redesigned every two years or so to offer something new to the visitors. Nevertheless, if need be, one may also revamp it before that, depending upon the company’s goals, objectives, economic considerations, or change in business activities. Again, with time, the trends keep changing. Earlier the trend was to include more text and fewer pictures, but now the focus is on incorporating GIFs and interesting & informative videos to grab the attention of viewers. Another reason to revamp may be to make the site adaptable to mobile devices. Apart from that, it is also essential to consider search engine optimization activities, which include image search, local search, video search, and much more, all of which help in increasing the visibility of the web pages.
- It is Not a One-Time Activity
Most companies look at website designing as a one-time expense and then they forget about it. But they should always keep in mind that revamping the web pages every now and then is going to be beneficial for their business. It is obvious that other companies who have recently designed their websites or have redesigned the old ones have better and more interesting content to offer than the ones who have not re-designed since inception.
- It is the gateway to reach the customer
It is undoubtedly one of the main ways of selling a company’s products & services. One needs to remember that keeping it updated is important for marketing and lead generation.
For best results, one may get in touch with a reputed Web designing company in Phoenix such as Web Solution Centre, which provides web designing and SEO services in Delhi based on the latest technology and marketing trends.