Epic content is crucial to boost your brand, generating buzz and traction for your website. Everyone will give you a full page brief of how to go about this strategy but nobody will tell you how to execute it properly. Lucky for you, Web Solution Centre providing best seo services in delhi, have grounded a list of crisp and precise steps on how to design attractive and share worthy content.
Learn the Recipe of Epic Content: For every perfect recipe you need perfect ingredients. Same for your content to go viral you need certain ingredients that is crucial for the impact the content will elicit. They are;
- Must contain 2,000 words or more.
- Laced with at least one image used for social media channels.
- Elicit laughter, amusement, and awe, or a philanthropic appeal to the reader’s narcissistic side.
- Show an author remark to make the article more credible.
- Be shared by the social influencers or internet marketers within the industry or niche.
- Be promoted and posted beyond the publish date.
- Viral content can be an infographic, a “why” or “what” post, a how-to article, or a video.
Proper Research of your Topic: Even if you consider yourself an expert or influencer in this field, you must research about your topic. Keep the fact aside that know everything about that topic- may be your research can lead you to new information that you can incorporate in your piece of article. It can also help you cover several grounds that others may have ignored.
Look for Trending Topics: Content Marketing is deemed important for the promotion of a product or a brand. And you can drive more leads and sales by writing on topics trending on various social media platforms or are talk of the town. You can start by searching on various search engines and listing down topics appearing on the first page of each result. You also need to pay specific attention to the Search Engine Optimization specifics of your content.
Search for credible Sources: When you found the popular topic you want to write about, an additional round of research is necessary. This additional data is crucial to gather additional information to solidify your article. These data may include Pdfs, thesis, statistics or documented studies.
Create an Otline: Gathering the stock of information you have received after multiple bouts of searching, the next step is to create an outline for your content. This outline must cover your core message and its branches. In a nutshell this outline must be the combination of your First round of data and second round of data.
Write Your Article: Writing content that is engaging isn’t easy. Your word count must be between 1,000 – 5,000 words. I know the word limit is bit too much and quite intimidating to say the least. But follow these quick steps to overcome this.
- Concentrate on your topic
- Use sub heading
- Use bullet points to highlight stats or numbers.
And you are good to go.